Friday, May 18, 2012

Campus Trail

Cypress Tree - FGCU Fort Myers, FL

FGCU Campus Nature Trail

On our first day of class we ventured out of the classroom, across the boardwalk, over the highest natural peak on FGCU's Campus, and into a wooded area by South Village.  FGCU's nature trail is open to all students, faculty, and staff as well as to the surrounding community.  The nature trail is home to many plant and animal life.  We saw various types of trees.  Two of the trees we saw were very tall.  We saw the invasive species, Melaleuca and a native species called the Cypress.  We did not see very many animals other than a few fish under the boardwalk and a few birds overhead.  However, it was a very hot day - I am not surprised the animals were undercover.  Having a Nature Trail on campus is just one of the many green initiatives that FGCU has in place.  The trail is generally uninhabited by humans and is a sanctuary for critters and plants alike.  This trail gives students the opportunity to interact with nature and witness the growth and learn the value of natural life. As a communication studies major, I am presented with group work daily.  I spent last semester in a group communication course where we were placed in groups for an entire semester and did all work and presentations as a team. We were instructed to choose something about FGCU that we wanted to change and to then go through the efforts to make the change happen.  As a small group of seniors, we decided that we wanted to make sure that the green movements of FGCU continued after we graduated. Ultimately our goal was to provide incoming freshman with the information it took us four years to discover and create an online green forum for the FGCU community.  While walking on the nature trail in class with Joan (student environmentalist tour guide) and the rest of our class, I realized that I do not utilize the trail often or effectively.  It reminded me of my group communication class I just mentioned.  I was inspired to revisit the project and thus, have included an excerpt from our final project below.

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