Monday, May 14, 2012

Great Expectations

University Colloquium will give me an understanding and appreciation for the natural world that surrounds me, specifically in Southwest Florida.  Colloquium will also help guide me in discovering new ways to live a sustainable life.  Sustainable literally means 'able to sustain.'  Sustainable means to be able to cycle through life continuously without harming other natural cycles. Learning the values of sustainable living can aid individuals in all areas of life.  I am specifically interested in learning the value of sustainable living in order to teach its value to others through theatrical performances.  Theatre is a great forum for reaching out to those who might no otherwise be concerned with the issues being explored through performance.  There are many things that occur in the day to day life of an actor that are considered 'unsustainable.'  We drive and fly around the world for auditions.  My biggest contribution to living an 'unsustainable' life, would be the amount I use fuel.  I drive to auditions every weekend in many states and cannot always afford to fly and it is difficult to bike from Fort Myers to Atlanta, Georgia.  However, I do make a daily effort to reduce the amount of times I use my car and use my bicycle for transportation as often as possible.

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